
黑色理想 2015年10月11日00:00:00黑色文学评论151848字阅读6分9秒





Beautiful Earth more beautiful,

with flowers and trees missed.

But now is a mess,

no cute little flowers.

Garbage dumps are everywhere,

the beautiful green earth.

Chop down a small sapling other,

a concerted effort to environmental protection,

the earth has better shape.



Search where you may,

You will not find a land

As beautiful as this,

She is the queen of all lands,

This land of my birth,

My motherland.



If we want to have a better future ,we must

protect our earth.

we only have a earth.

without other livings ,we humen cannot live



my mouth was a crib it was growing lies.

i didn't know what love was on that day!

my heart's a tiny blood clot.

i picked at it.

it never heals,it never goes away!

i burned all the good things in the eden eye!

we were too dumb too run too dead 2 die!

i burned all the good things in the eden eye!

this was never my world!

u took the angel away.

i'd kill myself 2 make everybody pay!

i would have told her then.

she was the only thing.

that i could love in this dying world!

but the simple word “love” itself.

already died and went away!

her heart's a bloodstained egg!

we didn't handle with care!

it's broken and bleeding.

and we can never repair!



There is only one earth

There is only one life,

There is only one earth.

The earth is the great mother,

We should do something for her?

Between the sky and land,

We enjoy the fresh air;

Between the arctic and Antarctic,

We love flowers in hand.

For each pair of eyes bright light.

To every friend in stream clear lakes,

Fresh food to every kind of animal,

Let each seed stable growth.

The representative of the animal kingdom,

On the rostrum of the United Nations.

Let the green GuTongShu,

About the past and in the future.

The battlefield into a green grassland,

Let a projectile beautiful flowers,

The artist works in a museum display,

Please come to the city's pine trees and a swan.

Blue eyes,black eyes,

To express the same kind of hope;

Sons and daughters will shoulder the sacred responsibility

Turn the earth into beautiful heaven on earth!

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年10月11日00:00:00
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:http://ilhc.cc/10458.html
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